FERPA Directory Information and Consent Audit Checklist

A specialized checklist for auditing FERPA compliance in educational institutions, focusing on directory information management and consent procedures for information disclosure.

FERPA Directory Information and Consent Audit Checklist
by: audit-now

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About This Checklist

The FERPA Directory Information and Consent Audit Checklist is a vital tool for educational institutions to ensure compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regarding the handling of directory information and obtaining proper consent for disclosure. This specialized checklist addresses the nuances of designating and managing directory information, as well as the processes for obtaining and documenting consent for releasing protected educational records. By implementing this checklist, schools can navigate the complex balance between information sharing and student privacy rights, reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosures and ensuring transparency in their data management practices.

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Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)


Educational Institution


FERPA Compliance Officer
Admissions Director
Institutional Research Analyst
Student Privacy Coordinator

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